Monthly Archives: August 2016

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Bringing SVG to life with d3.js

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are create to display high quality, scalable, graphics on the web. Most graphics software like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape can export it. The graphics are of course static, but with a little help from the JavaScript data visualization library d3.js, they can be brought to life by animating parts of them or making some elements respond to actions like mouse clicks.

In this post I will explain how to do that using the example of an interactive map for the LATINNO project.

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Linkdump #10

Python related
R related
Interesting articles, projects and news

Linkdump #9

Python related
R related

A tip for the impatient: Simple caching with Python pickle and decorators

During testing and development, it is sometimes necessary to rerun tasks that take quite a long time. One option is to drink coffee in the mean time, the other is to use caching, i.e. save once calculated results to disk and load them from there again when necessary. The Python module pickle is perfect for caching, since it allows to store and read whole Python objects with two simple functions. I already showed in another article that it’s very useful to store a fully trained POS tagger and load it again directly from disk without needing to retrain it, which saves a lot of time.

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Linkdump #8

R related
Python related
Interesting articles, projects and news

Displaying translated ForeignKey objects in Django admin with django-hvad

For multilingual websites built with Django the extension django-hvad is a must, since it allows to specify, edit and fetch multilingual (i.e. translatable) objects very easily and is generally well integrated into the Django framework. However, some caveats for using django-hvad’s TranslatableModel in the Django model admin backend system exist, especially when dealing with relations to TranslatableModel objects. I want to address three specific problems in this post: First, it’s not possible to display a translatable field directly in a model admin list display. Secondly, related (and also translated) ForeignKey objects are only displayed by their primary key ID in such a list display. And lastly, a similar problem exists for the list display filter and drop-down selection boxes in the edit form.

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Linkdump #7

Python related
Interesting articles, projects and news