- modelsummary – Beautiful, customizable, publication-ready model summaries in R.
- ggparty: Graphic Partying
- ggparty aims to extend ggplot2 functionality to the partykit package. It provides the necessary tools to create clearly structured and highly customizable visualizations for tree-objects of the class ‘party’.
- An Ad-hoc Method for Calibrating Uncalibrated Models
- Three Strategies for Working with Big Data in R
- Optimising your R code – a guided example
- What NOT to do when building a shiny app (lessons learned the hard way)
- Is Scholarly Use of R Beating SPSS Already?
- Introducing tidylo
- Introduction to Rcpp
- UseR! 2019 Spatial workshop
- part 1
- part 1
- The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns
- new fast.ai course: A Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Video recordings from SciPy 2019: Scientific Computing with Python Conference
- Automated Report Generation with Papermill: Part 1
- GraphBLAS for Python – GraphBLAS is a sparse linear algebra API optimized for processing graphs encoded as sparse matrices and vectors
- Data School’s top 25 pandas tricks
- curated collection of papers for the nlp practitioner
- bistring library provides non-destructive versions of common string processing operations like normalization, case folding, and find/replace
Interesting articles, projects and news
- Estimating the success of re-identifications in incomplete datasets using generative models
- Margaret Hamilton: ‘They worried that the men might rebel. They didn’t’ – The trailblazing computer scientist talks about being in charge of the software for the 1969 Apollo moon landing
- This historic map of 6 million syllabi reveals how college is changing
- Statistische Signifikanz falsch erklärt
- Kaum Interesse an Onlinediskussionen zu Gesetzesentwürfen in Thüringen
- “Impfung” gegen Fake News
- Selbstlernende Algorithmen sollen nächste IT-Revolution bringen
- Data Shapley: equitable valuation of data for machine learning
- WeChat: Ein Experiment menschlicher Freigiebigkeit
- Hetzefrei: Bündnis fordert mehr Solidarität mit Betroffenen von Hassrede
- An Indian research university has assembled 73 million journal articles (without permission) and is offering the archive for unfettered scientific text-mining
- Programmiersprache: C++20 ist Feature Complete
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