Monthly Archives: October 2016

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Using custom data models in oTree

I’m currently working on implementing some multiplayer decision strategy games for different experiments in the field of Experimental Economics. We decided to use the excellent oTree framework as basis for our implementations. Since oTree itself is based on Django and provides comprehensive documentation and some good tutorials, it was quite straight forward for me to learn. In most cases, it provides just what you need for implementing an experiment while hiding a lot of unnecessary technical stuff by exposing only a limited API. The full power and functionality of Django is hidden to the programmer for the sake of clearness and simplicity, which is basically a good thing.

However, in some cases oTree’s API is too restrictive for implementing advanced functionality, the main issue being the limited set of data models: By default, you can only record non-complex information (i.e. numeric values, strings, etc.) per subsessions (i.e. round), group or player. What if you need, for example, to record an arbitrary number of (more or less complex) decisions made by a player per round? This is not really supported by oTree’s data models so you need to define and handle your own, custom Django models. I will explain how to do this in this post.

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Styling individual cells in Excel output files created with pandas

The Python Data Analysis Library pandas provides basic but reliable Excel in- and output. However, more advanced features for writing Excel files are missing. Some of these advanced things, like conditional formatting can be achieved with XlsxWriter (see also
Improving Pandas’ Excel Output). However, sometimes it is
necessary to set styles like font or background colors on individual cells on the “Python side”. In this scenario,
XlsxWriter won’t work, since “XlsxWriter and Pandas provide very little support for formatting the output data from a dataframe apart from default formatting such as the header and index cells and any cells that contain dates of datetimes.”

To achieve setting styles on individual cells on the Python side, I wrote a small extension for pandas and put it on github, along with some examples. It comes in quite handy, for example when you are running complicated data validation routines (which you probably don’t want to implement in VBA) and want to highlight the validation results by coloring
individual cells in the output Excel sheets.