Category Archives: Presentation Slides

Slides on practical Topic Modeling: Preparation, evaluation, visualization

I gave a presentation on Topic Modeling from a practical perspective*, using data about the proceedings of plenary sessions of the 18th German Bundestag as provided by The presentation covers preparation of the text data for Topic Modeling, evaluating models using a variety of model quality metrics and visualizing the complex distributions in the models. You can have a look at the slides here:

Probabilistic Topic Modeling with LDA – Practical topic modeling: Preparation, evaluation, visualization

The source code of the example project is available on GitHub. It shows how to perform the preprocessing and model evaluation steps with Python using tmtoolkit. The models can be inspected using PyLDAVis and some (exemplary) analyses on the data are performed.

* This presentation builds up on a first session on the theory behind Topic Modeling

Slides on Topic Modeling – Background, Hyperparameters and common pitfalls

I just uploaded my slides on probabilistic Topic Modeling with LDA that give an overview of the theory, the basic assumptions and prerequisites of LDA and some notes on common pitfalls that often happen when trying out this method for the first time. Furthermore I added a Jupyter Notebook that contains a toy implementation of the Gibbs sampling algorithm for LDA with lots of comments and plots to illustrate each step of the algorithm.