- patchwork package: Patch it up and send it out
- Confidence and prediction intervals explained… (with a Shiny app!)
- R 3.6.2 is out, and a preview of R 4.0.0
- learnr 0.10.0
- Mastering Shiny / Dynamic UI
- A New palette() for R
- Finding Natural Breaks in Data with the Fisher-Jenks Algorithm
- Top 10 Python libraries of 2019
- Plotnine: Grammar of Graphics for Python
- vaex: Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second.
- visualization package vega-lite v4.0.0
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Other interesting articles, projects and news
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- A sobering message about the future at AI’s biggest party
- Facebook: Anti-muslimische Hetze als Geschäftsmodell
- I created my own deepfake—it took two weeks and cost $552
- Wie Tiktok seine Nutzer überwacht
- UK election is full of dirty tricks and political clicks
- This free tool maps propaganda and misinformation as it goes viral
- Machine Unlearning
- Facebooks Faktenchecker in den Niederlanden geben auf
- Biased Algorithms Are Easier to Fix Than Biased People
- Probability Distribution Explorer
- TikTok curbed reach for people with disabilities
- “China Cables”: Von Algorithmen ins Internierungslager geschickt
- Wann wir hemmungslos Unsinn verbreiten
- KI enttarnt Shakespeares Koautor
- Industry Responses to Computational Propaganda and Social Media Manipulation
- An Epidemic of AI Misinformation
- Dolt
- Dolt is a version-controlled database, where the data and the schema are versioned together in a way familiar to Git users.
- Dolt combines the convenience and ease of use of a relational database, with the elegance of the Git version control model, all delivered as an open source tool.
- where to find data: an incomplete list
- Stellenverlust durch KI: Je höher das Einkommen, desto anfälliger der Job?
- Google bans microtargeting and “false claims” in political ads
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